Lili Zhao (赵丽丽) is a researcher at China Mobile Research Institute, China Mobile Limited. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the School of Information and Communication Engineering (SICE), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), where she was advised by Prof. Jianwen Chen. She was a joint Ph.D. student with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) under the supervision of Prof. Kai-Kuang Ma (Fellow of Singapore Academy of Engineering, IEEE Life Fellow). From April 2017 to March 2018, she was a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), with Prof. Yik-Chung Wu. She was fortunate enough to work closely with Prof. Siwei Ma, Prof. Shanshe Wang, Dr. Falei Luo, Prof. Chuanmin Jia, Prof. Liaoyuan Zeng, Prof. Wenyi Wang, and Prof. Rumin Zhang. Her research interests include video and point cloud processing, particularly video/point cloud compression/coding, video/point cloud frame interpolation. She also works on some standard works, including ISO/IEC MPEG, AVS, ITU-T, etc. We are looking for research interns. Please feel free to contact me. |
- 2024-09: We win the second place in the ECCV 2024 Map-free challenge.
- 2024-07: Attend the 147th MPEG meeting in Sapporo, Japan.
- 2024-06: One paper on visual localization has been accepted by IEEE ICIP 2024!
- 2024-05: We joint with Tsinghua SIGS win the Gold Medal at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
- 2024-04: Attend the 146th MPEG meeting in Rennes, France.
- 2023-12: One paper on MPEG dynamic point cloud compression has been accepted by IEEE DCC 2024!
- 2023-10: Attend the MPEG 144th meeting in Hannover, Germany.
- 2023-07: Attend the MPEG 143rd meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2023-07: Welcome Weiwei Cui (a Ph.D. candidate from QMUL) joining as a research intern!
- 2023-07: Lili finish third in the 2023 AIWIN-3D Digital Twin Challenge!
- 2023-06: One paper on point cloud frame generation has been accepted by IEEE ICIP 2023! Congratulations to Zhuoqun and Lancao!
- 2023-04: One paper on point cloud frame interpolation has been accepted by IEEE ICME 2023 Workshops! Congratulations to Zhuoqun and Lancao!
- 2023-02: One paper "Deep learning-based quality enhancement for 3D point clouds: A survey" has been accepted by Journal of Image and Graphics. [Github] Congratulations to Zhuoqun and Lancao!
- 2022-11: Welcome Lancao Ren and Zhuoqun Sun joining as research interns!
- 2022-09: One paper on video frame interpolation network has been accepted by ACCV 2022! Congratulations to Xuhu!
- 2022-08: Lili joined China Mobile Research Institute.
- 2022-03: One paper on LiDAR point cloud compression using bi-directional prediction and floating-point coding has been accepted to IEEE TBC!
- 2022-01: One paper on LiDAR point cloud frame interpolation has been accepted to ICASSP 2022!
- 2022-01: One paper on LiDAR point cloud compression using semantic prior representation has been accepted to IEEE TCSVT!
- 2022.08 – now, Researcher, China Mobile Research Institute, Beijing, CN
- 2020.01 - 2022.07, Group leader, Coding group, MediaLab@UESTC, Chengdu, CN
- 2019.04 – 2019.08, Research intern, Pengcheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, CN
- 2017 – now, Reviewer, IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, IEEE transactions on intelligent vehicles, CVPR, ISCAS.
Selected Publications (Google Scholar Profile)
Real-Time LiDAR Point Cloud Compression Using Bi-Directional Prediction and Range-Adaptive Floating-Point Coding Lili Zhao, Kai-Kuang Ma, Xuhu Lin, Wenyi Wang, and Jianwen Chen. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 620-635, Sept. 2022. Paper |
Real-Time Scene-Aware LiDAR Point Cloud Compression Using Semantic Prior Representation Lili Zhao, Kai-Kuang Ma , Zhili Liu, Qian Yin, and Jianwen Chen. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 5623-5637, Aug. 2022. Paper |
Rangeinet: Fast Lidar Point Cloud Temporal Interpolation Lili Zhao, Xuhu Lin, Wenyi Wang, Kai-Kuang Ma, and Jianwen Chen. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 2584-2588. Paper |
Learning Spatial-Temporal Embeddings for Sequential Point Cloud Frame Interpolation Lili Zhao, Zhuoqun Sun, Lancao Ren, Qian Yin, Lei Yang, Meng Guo Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2023, pp. 810-814. Paper Code |
Have a wonderful day!